Save money, time and stress on your commute. While saving the planet, too.

You might be wondering how Transportation Demand Management (TDM) can help you. By participating in TDM through the Western Pennsylvania ride-sharing program CommuteInfo, you will be assisting with our planet’s sustainability efforts. And maybe even saving some money too. All while helping to strengthen your peace of mind with a much more enjoyable commute.

TDM works to make your job better. We partner with employers to offer gateways to vanpools, carpools, bike racks, public transportation and more. You get to reap the benefits from your employers who offer more perks.

TDM works to make you happy. Would you rather stress through navigating congested tunnels or snooze to a podcast as a van does the rush-hour driving for you? And would it feel awesome to pedal past traffic on your way to front-row parking at a bike rack at the office? We’ll get you there.

TDM works toward net zero emissions. TDM’s most urgent goal is getting more cars off the road. Which benefits everything from air quality to less waste. Making TDM an important factor in reducing your carbon footprint. That’s an unexpected bonus from the benefit that is TDM.

TDM works in your neighborhood. We specialize in finding the solutions to help all over Southwestern Pennsylvania, be it Downtown Pittsburgh or the outskirts of Blairsville. TDM is here to get you to and from your destination in an easier, more affordable manner.

See for Yourself How TDM Works in Indiana County.

This is Josh Krug, Deputy Director of Planning for the Indiana County Office of Planning & Development and one of our TDM Champions. He has helped employers and their employees find safe and effective options for commuting.

Are You Ready to be a TDM Champion?

Interested in a vanpool, carpool or other commuting options?

Discover how CommuteInfo can help you transform your daily commute! Become a champion of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and explore options that fit your lifestyle. Plus, learn how your commute can earn you exciting rewards. Start making a difference in your community—and in your daily routine—today!