Get Involved!

You can play an active role in the transportation planning process by attending public meetings, as well as reviewing documents, maps and related materials. We welcome you to ask our staff members and representatives of partner agencies questions, discuss issues with them, and provide us with your thoughts and opinions. The comments you provide to our organization will help shape the future of our region.

Public Notice

We will be hosting a 30 day public comment period to solicit feedback on the Draft 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that our organization has drafted. Our region’s Long Range Transportation Plan is implemented with a series of shorter-term investment plans, known as Transportation Improvement Programs, or TIPs. Each TIP is a step along that 25-year investment in our region’s future. We are currently working on the next TIP for the years 2025-2028. As part of this work, we host a 30 day public comment period and 11 meetings throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania. At these public meetings, members of our transportation team, PennDOT officials, and other representatives will explain how the TIP works and what transportation and infrastructure projects will take place in your community in the years ahead. Please see detailed public notices in Spanish, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Hindi, and English that details when and where these public meetings will occur, and how you can share your thoughts with us. Also, all of the public meetings are also listed on our events page.

Notice Of Public Comment Period And Public Meetings

Learn How to Get Involved With Us

We inform the public about our meetings in a variety of ways including securing earned media coverage, placing advertisements in community newspapers, and through social media among other initiatives. If you can’t make it to one of our public meetings, but still want to share your thoughts and comments with us, you can do so by mail, email, or phone. 

Mail: Southwestern PA Commission, 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (412) 391-5590     

Event Calendar

Get Involved

August110:00 AM

Regional TDM Partners Forum

The Terminal - 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222

August1410:00 AM
August1510:00 AM
August262:00 PM

Regional Policy Advisory Committee

The Terminal - 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222

Upcoming Events Meeting Minutes

Public Comment Survey

Surveys allow our staff members to gather feedback directly from members of the public. If you want to take our survey and share your thoughts with us that way, click here to learn more.