The 2019 Annual Report encompasses SPC’s accomplishments throughout the year and provides insight into our many programs, departments, and services. Download a copy of the full report and be sure to watch the 2019 Annual Report highlight video on our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and click the ‘bell’ icon to stay notified when new content is published!
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Southwestern Pennsylvania, SPC, in collaboration with its member planning partners, will direct the use of billions in state and federal transportation funding through 2045. Adopted in June 2019, the long range plan – SmartMoves for a Changing Region – provides a robust policy framework that envisions a world-class, safe and well maintained, integrated transportation system that provides mobility for all, enables resilient communities and supports a globally competitive economy.
SPC members promote regionally integrated, cooperative planning and development for communities throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania. SPC combines management of community assistance, financial assistance, export assistance, government procurement assistance and special enterprise development activities with delivery of other state and federal programs to enhance our region’s competitiveness in national and global markets.
Projects at the federal, state, county and municipal levels across Southwestern Pennsylvania rely on SPC’s data resources and technical assistance to move forward. From the comprehensive data layers within its regional GIS, to new applications that intersect and analyze different types of data representing the people, structures and environment of Southwestern Pennsylvania, SPC lent support and distributed data for numerous projects in 2019.
Download the Full Report (PDF)
SPC 2019 Annual Report Highlight Video