COVID-19 Working Capital Loan program
UPDATE – Thank you very much for your interest in the PIDA CWCA Working Capital Loan Program. PIDA has informed SPC that their office has received 890 applications from across the Commonwealth, totaling $75.6 million in requested funds. As you may be aware, PIDA only had $61 million to disburse through the CWCA program. Therefore, PIDA is no longer accepting applications for the program at this time.
In the event that the program is reauthorized, and you have already submitted an application, SPC will continue to process your application at that time.
There are still funding options available through the federal government, and we have provided links to those programs below. We would encourage you to apply for federal funding through the appropriate agencies:
SBA Disaster Loan – https://disasterloan.sba.gov/
Thank you for your interest in the PIDA COVID-19 Working Capital Loan program. Below, please find a PDF of the documents you will need to submit in order to apply for a PIDA COVID 19 Working Capital Loan. There are quite a few documents here, so we advise that you first read the document titled “PIDA COVID-19 Working Capital Loan Application Instructions,” as that lays out, in detail everything you need to submit in order to apply for PIDA’s new loan program.
Once you have compiled and completed all of the necessary information, please attach your application to ONE email, and send it back to me at smeredith@spcregion.org.
As SPC’s staff is in a work from home status right now, please also feel free to email me with any questions that you may have as you work your way through the documents.
Thank you,
SPC Business Finance Staff