Regional Roundabout Screening Study Consultant Services RFP
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Corporation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, on behalf of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC), is requesting Technical Proposals and Price Proposals (together, the Proposal package) for the preparation of a Regional Roundabout Screening Study. The selected firm or team of firms will assist SPC with completing a study that will identify potential roundabout locations in the region that will enhance safety.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) was released by SPC on March 24, 2021. Copies may be downloaded below, via the SPC RFP page, or may be obtained by e-mail request to Domenic D’Andrea at ddandrea@spcregion.org.
Electronic submissions will be required via SPC’s SharePoint site. Full submission details are provided in the RFP document. Proposal packages are due on April 23, 2021.