Butler Radio: Meeting Previews Potential Transportation Projects

People gathered to hear the proposed transportation projects in Butler County.

State, regional, and local officials got together Wednesday night to discuss the future of transportation projects in Butler County.

Representatives of PennDOT and the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission joined Butler County Commissioners, municipal administrators and the Butler County Public Participation Panel for information about the Transportation Improvement Program that is being developed for 2025-2028.

The initiative outlines specific transportation projects and infrastructure planning across a 10 county region that includes Butler County. The SPC seeks funding from the state as well as nationwide competitive grant programs but construction costs remain high so projects have to be prioritized carefully.

Another meeting will be held somewhere in the county sometime in May as part of a formal comment period on the draft of the plan before a vote for approval in June of 2024.

View the full article at butlerradio.com.