Transit Operators Committee


January 17 at 10:00 AM


Virtual Event


The Transit Operators Committee (TOC) provides technical assistance to our ten member county region by hosting a meeting once a month. At these meetings, topics like advancing programs and projects by providing public transportation options, regional transit coordination, alternatives to fixed-route transit service, and economic opportunities linked to land use and transit-oriented development. Committee membership consists of our public transportation providers, the region’s vanpool sponsor, CommuteInfo, and a variety of transportation management associations.


  • TIP adjustments requested by MMVTA and by SPC (on behalf of Shared Ride providers NAMS and VieCare).
  • Transit data presentation by SPC’s Data & Modeling Group
  • Kickoff of the Public Transit-Human Service Coordinated Plan Update project
  • Update on the upcoming application to the federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program
  • And, updates from PennDOT, SPC, and transit operators!


Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2342 152 4599
Meeting password: QNi2YDVAR63

Join by phone
1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free